We are land and real estate investors, focused on funding deals for other land investors.

If you have limited time, money, and/or experience we can help you. We are guided by three goals to help our partners:

A herd of cattle grazing in an open field.
  1. Provide you the funds you need to complete larger deals that you otherwise would not be able to complete.
  2. Build a long-term, multi deal relationship with you, as a win-win partnership.
  3. We want to help you grow your business so you are independent and keep 100% of the profit.

When you reach that level of capitalization and experience, we will celebrate with you! But we will still be here if you need us again.

BCP Land Fund can provide more than just funding. We are a complete, turn-key concierge service for your deal. You may not have the time to work on deals during the day to return calls and take care of all the details and responsibilities to get deals closed efficiently. We will take responsibility for everything from end-to-end, until the property is sold and YOU get paid.

A view of the mountains from above.

We have relationships with title companies, agents, surveyors, and attorney in many states, which we can leverage to help you get deals done and maximize your profit.